Friday, July 27, 2007

It's Alan Rickman, Craig. Alan Rickman.

Okay, I'm usually not one for the whole Blog Quiz thing, but this I found to be highly amusing.
I've always had a sick fascination with Alan Rickman, and since finishing the seventh and final volume of Harry Potter, my steady love for the character Severus Snape has somewhat, shall we say, ballooned.
I found this "Which stage of Alan Rickman's career are you?" quiz, and my test results are quite amusing.

Which of the illustrious Alan Rickman's characters are you?

You are Professor Severus Snape from the movie 'Harry Potter'. You're very bitter, very smart, and your past has been one long nightmare. You teach Potions at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Although you can act like a bitch sometimes, you've had a rough life, so its somewhat excusable. In the Harry Potter books, you are described as 'greasy-haired and hook-nosed'. yeah, right. Your hair is fucking gorgeous. and so are you. cheer up.
Take this quiz!

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