Friday, July 27, 2007


Anyway, I, personally, hate spoilers, so I hate spoiling things for those of you who haven't read or gotten to this certain portion of Harry Potter, but seriously, who the hell is reading this random blog but me?

...So I feel it is safe to say that Severus Snape has seriously got to be the best character in the entire bloody series, ever. EVER!! I knew he was good all along. I could just feel it. Even after the whole Dumbledore calamity, I could sense that something weird was still missing from the equation. I knew that Dumbledore wouldn't just blindly trust Snape to be betrayed like that. I knew there had to be somthing more. That being said, Severus, you supposed dirty bastard you, WE'RE ALL BEHIND YOU!!

I mean, after all that, who wouldn't be?! He deserved Lily! Totally and utterly! It's so completely unfair what happened to him! Why did he have to sacrifice so much?! To be loathed by the boy he was sacrificing everything for, even until after his death? WHY?!?! *chucks something angrily out the window* ARGH!!!


Sorry about that. I've always been a Sev fan, so reading all that was like being trapped among explosives. I wasn't sure whether to be in a state of Euphoria and jumping for joy, or to be really pissed and throwing stuff.
...And I know, I take this entirely too seriously.

1 comment:

Nagini said...

Hey girl! I found your blog while searching Snape's pictures and I think that you have just found a supporter..

I'm with you all the way!